Thursday, October 02, 2008


My Monday-Friday Vyvanse experience:

Sometime between 7:45 and 8:00: Drag self out of bed. Pee. Put on bathrobe. Rub cats as you stumble to the kitchen. Make breakfast (usualy cereal).

8:00: Eat breakfast while watching Spongebob. Take drugs.

8:01-11:00: Feel nothing. (Note: This time block includes dressing for work, leaving for work and getting to work at 9:00.)

11:01: Vyvanse kicks in enough to make you jittery and give you tachycardia. Still feel very tired.

11:01-3:00: Feel crappy from Vyvanse side effects for remainder of day.

3:01: Leave work.

3:15: Arrive home and begin nap.

6:00: Wake from nap. Any and all Vyvanse effects are gone so you're too tired to cook dinner. Convince husband to go get fast food that is slowly killing you and making you fat and broke in the meantime.

7:00: Begin evening activites. Watch Tifuaxed programs, play Animal Crossing, Cross Stitch, etc.

10:00: Shower. Quick shower. Use regular soap because you're too tired to lather up a poof with fun girly shower gel.

10:20: Return to evening activities clean.

11:00: The best part of the day. Bedtime.

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